Top 10 Father's Day Gifts Between $50-$100

Last week, in anticipation of Father’s Day, we listed the Top 10 Father’s Day Gifts Over $100. Now, it seems only fair to bring you a list of gift ideas between $50 and $100. These items don’t require that Dad be a member of any particular motorcycle tribe. In fact, the goal here was to make the ideas as universal as possible while keeping the cost in the range that even the poorest college student (or back living at home grad) can afford. Consider it a worthwhile investment, since Dad is the one who put a roof over your head, food on the table and motorcycles in the garage. While we still have a couple weeks before the big day, time is running out, and who wants to pay for overnight shipping costs for budget-conscious gifts?

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Top 10 Father's Day Gifts Over $100

With Dad’s day coming up in a little more than two weeks (that’s June 15 for the procrastinators out there), we here at wanted to compile a list of things we think all the riding dads out there would like to receive as a token of appreciation. No matter what you ride or where you ride it, over the next three weeks we’ll be bringing you 30 gift ideas sure to satisfy. Each week will be broken down into three different price categories, with this week’s 10 gifts starting at over $100, in ascending order. For the more frugal amongst you, the next two weeks will focus on gifts a bit lower in price. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

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2013 Holiday Gift Guide

Depending where you live the weather outside is starting to look a little frightful. That must mean the holiday season is upon us. While finding the perfect gift is often an agonizing experience, if you’ve got a motorcyclist in your life things are much easier. After all, no motorcyclist has everything they want – real life (money) tends to get in way sometimes.

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Top Ten Holiday Gifts Over $1000

We now come to the upper echelon of our holiday gift guide, for those who are just rolling in cash and are willing to spend it on a loved one who’s the hardest of hardcore motorcycle enthusiasts. We’ve looked at gift ideas for different budgets up to $1,000, but what if you want to give something even more extravagant, and have the means to do so?

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Top Ten Holiday Gifts Under $50

Well, it’s that time of year, again. Those who care for riders are searching for the perfect moto-gift. Even if you don’t have a lot of scratch, you can still find a ton of nice presents for under $50. If you don’t believe us — or if you simply need some inspiration — take a look at the list below. We’ve tried to choose items that will appeal to a broad spectrum of riders, but with only 10 slots available on the list, we’ve necessarily left out many, many other good options. Don’t see your favorite bike-related item on the list? Share the love with MO readers by leaving a comment. (Or you could just vent your spleen and call us jerks, but remember Santa is watching.)

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Top Ten Holiday Gifts Between $100-$200

This time our Top Ten List moves up the scale to gift items between $100 and $200. This price range moves you to a different level of options for your favorite rider. Now, we’re starting to move away from the bargain basement into the beginnings of premium gear, and you’ll see that, while some items may have much cheaper competitive options available, a closer inspection reveals what makes these items superior.

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Top 10 Holiday Gifts Between $200-$500

Continuing our lists of Top 10 Motorcycle Holiday Gifts for you or a loved one, this week’s list focuses on items ranging in price between $200 and $500. Here we’ve compiled a bevy of items for both the rider and motorcycle alike. Whether the gift is for a person or a two-wheeled companion, either way, we’re sure with one of these items the recipient will be happy. We tried to cover a broad spectrum of riders and machinery, but narrowing the options to just 10 was no easy task. If you have a suggestion for this list, or simply want to add something you really want, say so in the comments section below. Who knows, Santa might grant your wish this year.

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Top 10 Holiday Gifts Between $500-$1000

If you really want to make the motorcyclist in your life eternally happy and you have more disposable income that most of us, we’ve collected some holiday gift ideas ranging from $500 to $1000.

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