Father's Day Gift Guide 2020

As it does every year, Father’s Day is coming up fast (it’s June 21 in case you didn’t know), and if you’ve got a moto-loving pops you care about, a moto-themed gift will undoubtedly put a smile on his face. Let us help with this collection of gifts for all the moto dads out there. With prices running on the gamut on the affordability chart, there’s bound to be something here for any budget. So, without further ado, let’s get started:

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Holiday Gift Guide For Women Who Ride

’Tis the season to do some frantic last-minute holiday shopping for the loved ones in your life! If you’re lucky, those loved ones include women who ride. I’m usually horrible at finding the perfect gift, and I’m sure you can relate, considering the fact that you’re consulting a cheesy article for gifting tips. All teasing aside, you’ve come to the right place. As a woman who loves motorcycles, I can think of a few gifts that I would be overjoyed to receive. So, I offer this gift guide to help you shop for the female riders in your life.

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2017 Holiday Gift Guide Part 3: $100-$250

Motorcycles are awesome. I think we can all agree on that. You probably wouldn’t be reading this right now if you thought otherwise. Unfortunately, though, motorcycling is not the cheapest of hobbies, and that’s why most of us see it as more of a lifestyle. With the holidays around the corner, here are a few gift ideas that in most cases ought to make your two-wheeled life a little easier, and more fun!

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2017 Holiday Gift Guide Part 2: $50-$100

So, you may not be rolling in the dough, but this list covers a wide range of cool gifts for less than $100. Something here is sure to put a smile on the face of your favorite motorcyclist.

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2017 Holiday Gift Guide Part 1: $0-$50

Our gift-guide series kicks off with affordable presents for the favored riders in your circle of friends and family, all priced at less than $50. Happy shopping!

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Father's Day Motorcycle Gift Guide 2017

Father’s Day is looming on the horizon, and those of you who have motorcycle loving fathers are (hopefully) looking for a way to tell Dad how much you appreciate all he’s done for you and the family over the previous year. If he’s like most fathers, dad has probably avoided buying or doing things that he wanted to, just because the needs of the family outweighed his own desires. For families like that, you already know what to get him – just order that thing he decided not to get for himself. However, if Dad’s moto-needs are a mystery to you, take heart. We’ve put together a listing of stuff that’s bound to make your riding father quite happy. The prices range quite a bit here, so you’re sure to find something within the range of greenbacks contained in your wallet.

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2016 Holiday Gift Guide $100 to $250

Whoever said you can’t put a price on love obviously hates America. Of course you can, and the more you spend, the more love you can get. But why fight the holiday crowds when you can sit there on your laptop and gather unto yourself pallets of love by giving your favorite motorcycle aficionado one of the following superb gifts? The true spirit of the season begins kicking in right at the $100 threshold. Set jinglebells to stun, Mr. Sulu.

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2016 Holiday Gift Guide $50 to $100

Can you believe it’s holiday season again already? This time of year always seems to creep up on us unexpectedly, and this year’s no different. But as always, your trusty MO editors are here to help you with gift ideas for the moto friends and family in your life. Last week, “Big Guns” Roderick brought you some gift ideas ranging from free-ninety-nine to $50. This week we continue the list of ideas, upping the prices from $50-$100. You know, for those people you like enough to buy something nice, but not too nice.

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Father's Day Buyer's Guide 2016 – $25-50

You’ve been given one of the greatest gifts there is if your old dad’s a motorcycle guy and passed the gene onto you. If you’re lucky enough to still have him around in all his grouchy glory, bestowing some small token of your esteem upon the paterfamilias is the right and customary thing to do.

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2015 Over $500 Holiday Gift Guide

Well, if people are in the habit of bestowing gifts worth more than $500 upon you, please friend us up on the Facebook and evite us over for the festivities, won’t you? For us at MO, it’s generally a lump of coal or nothing (which we’ll also like). We get most of our gifts spiritually, from the love that pours in through our USB ports from our loyal readers and Dick Ruble. In the dream world of online shopping though, here’s a short list of great motorcycle gifts for those of you lucky enough to be lounging on the dock – your ship or oil well having “come in.” Good for you. Say hello to the Donald from us.

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2015 $250-$500 Holiday Gift Guide

If your fiscal power of gift giving exceeds our previous $0-$50, $50-$100, and $100-$250 Holiday Gift Guides, we want to be your friend. For the platinum crowd, John Burns is providing the above $500 Gift Guide next week, and I’d like to preemptively befriend those folks, too. The following is more than just some random gift guide, it’s my personal Christmas wish list, so I put more effort into this than I would for a gift guide I didn’t stand to benefit from. I hope my current and future family and friends are paying attention.

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2015 $50-$100 Holiday Gift Guide

OK, so you’ve budgeted between $50 and $100 for a few moto-friends, you’re strapped for time – and you want to attend your local International Motorcycle Show. Well, you’d be amazed how much cool, bargain-priced gear you can find in the last 45 minutes of the day at an IMS event. (That way you can spend the rest of the day ogling all the new hardware on display at the manufacturers’ display areas.) Let’s just say that we understand how that could happen. So, with time ticking down, our mad dash to find a selection of MO-worthy gift ideas illustrates that you can have your cake (seeing next year’s bikes) and eat it, too (taking care of holiday shopping). And if some of the frosting (accidentally purchased items for yourself) just happens to end up in your gear bag, that’s OK, too.

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Father's Day Gifts Buyer's Guide - $100 and Up

The past weeks on MO have seen three price ranges of gift ideas for Father’s Day.

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2014 Motorcycle.com Holiday Gift Guide

Behold the 50 days of Christmas! Five lists comprised of 10 gifts per, we’ve provided you with a selection of moto-specific gifts to fit every level of expenditure for all kinds of riders. Or, maybe they’re not gifts for others but ideas of what to buy for yourself with all those X-mas greenbacks you’re about to receive in a month’s time. Whatever the case, there’s a lot to look through here, but if that’s not enough, maybe check out some gift guides from Christmases past: 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, 2012 Holiday Gift Guide.

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Top 10 Father's Day Gifts Under $50

Admit it. If you’re reading this a few days prior to Father’s Day, you’re probably a procrastinator. Considering we published two previous Father’s Day Top 10s, $50 to $100 and Over $100, and this one’s for products under $50, you must also be che…, er, frugal. Hey, it’s the effort and thought, not the timing or price, that counts, right?

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