Best Motorcycle Helmets Under $200

John Burns
by John Burns
John Burns
John Burns

More by John Burns

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  • Appliance5000 Appliance5000 on Jan 09, 2020

    Nice list - check SARP ratings for details on the helmets. The Scorpions do very well. Surprising what doesn't do so well. Only modular helmet company whose latches remain closed 100% of the time are Nolan.

  • RyYYZ RyYYZ on Jan 13, 2020

    Why is it so hard to find helmets with a long oval shape? I can't be that far out of the norm with my long oval head, so I'm sure there must be plenty of others who also find anything other than a long oval shape to be a literal pain.

    I'm currently using a Scorpion EXO-R2000 helmet which I'm not totally enamored of, but it does fit my head properly, and their shield mechanism is pretty good, and the inflatable cheekpads are a cool idea - pump them up for extra tight fit when riding fast and/or in turbulent air, let the air out for easier entry/exit and more comfort when not riding so fast.
