2019 Ural Gear Up Air LE

If not a lighter, slimmer version of the Gear Up, what could the Ural Gear Up Air be? A $17,999 launch pad for a drone! That’s what! The latest limited edition Ural to be announced from our Russian comrades (the Americanized ones in Redmond, Washington at least) is the Ural Gear Up Air, a brand mashup from none other than: DJI, a popular drone manufacturer; Ram Mounts, a manufacturer of mounts of all sorts; and Stratasys, experts in the 3D printing and manufacturing landscape. The cool thing about paying $18k for a drone launchpad, is that you also get a fun sidecar motorcycle out of the deal. Essentially a rolling Russian command post for your surveillance drone!

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In Russia, Ural Ride You...+ Video

We always hear from marketing and PR departments and even journalists about motorcycle industry execs being riders, that they care, and are enthusiasts themselves. That’s normally true in this industry. Ducati CEO, Claudio Domenicali is a fantastic rider, and the head of Two-Wheel Global for Bosch shared plenty of stories about his off-road excursions in Australia. These guys ride. That’s the truth. Now let’s take a look at Ural. 

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A Ural Gear Up And The Road Ahead

Setting out on a motorcycle trip can change a person – I’m sure some of you probably already know that. Many of us take long trips on our motorcycles for that exact reason. We need to refresh our outlook. To remind ourselves of the simple and beautiful parts of life that all too often get overlooked. When I left my home on a sweltering Tuesday in late October, I knew I wouldn’t be the same upon my return. I welcomed that fact wholeheartedly. With a full tank of gas and a friend by my side, I left the person I was at that moment behind and focused on the road ahead.

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