Video: Why We Wear Gear

This, boys and girls, is why you should always wear proper riding gear when you’re on a motorcycle. Remember, he wasn’t going terribly fast, and when you see his fingers dangling in the after crash footage, you’ll understand that off-road gloves won’t do you much good on pavement. Now, let’s consider his leg protection – which was nothing more than a smattering of youthful hair. At least he had the good sense to wear a helmet.

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Wheelie Fail: Why On Earth Did He Step Off His Bike?

What do you think, was he going over backwards or did he have a lapse in judgement and intentionally step off the back of his bike mid wheelie?  We bet he never does that again! Remember, in this situation, a small tap on the rear brake can be your friend.

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Speed Wobble Ends In Devastation

It’s unfortunate when a motorcyclist ends up on the ground, and it’s especially cringe-inducing to watch a motorcyclist wearing minimal gear hit the ground this hard and slide for as long as we see here. A speed wobble can be devastating, and this head-shaking scenario recorded on California’s Interstate 80 near Sacramento is one the rider will never forget. We probably won’t, either… 

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