2021 Honda Rebel 1100 DCT Video Review

For a helluva lot of American motorcyclists, tradition is important, and a lot of people want something that looks traditional on the outside, even if it’s verging on revolutionary inside. I think that’s kind of what’s going on with Honda’s new Rebel 1100. The profile says cruiser, but a slightly closer look reveals Honda’s done trying to copy Harley with fake cooling fins and plastic chrome gewgaws (though the Fury et al remain in the lineup). The new Rebel wears its liquid-cooled 1084cc Unicam parallel Twin from the Africa Twin right out in the open.

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The Life Of A 250 Rider

Riding a 250cc motorcycle on open roads can sometimes be depressing, as YouTuber 2WheelAssault can attest to. Every rider wants to wick it up a little when open stretches of tarmac present themselves, and 250 riders can find themselves wringing their bike’s necks only to look down and see 80 mph on the speedo. If you’re like 2WheelAssault and find yourself on a Honda Rebel 250 then the circumstances get even worse, as you’ll be lucky to even see 80 mph. Meanwhile, those around you on sportbikes (and nearly everything else) will come blazing past.

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Top 10 Cheapest Motorcycles To Insure

Motorcycle insurance is a slippery subject. With so many options for coverage, it’s hard to keep track of every kind of policy. However, if you live in the States you gotta have at least bodily injury and property damage liability coverage before legally operating your motorcycle. But getting insurance doesn’t have to break the bank.

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