Upcoming Motorcycle Events: July 17 – August 14

Upcoming Motorcycle Events: July 17 – August 14

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Upcoming Motorcycle Events: July 10 – August 7

Upcoming Motorcycle Events: July 10 – August 7

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Sturgis 2014 Wrap Up

While it’s difficult to say which is the top rally in the popular consciousness of American motorcycling, both Daytona Bike Week and Sturgis feature prominently in biker mythology. If you break down both events into their most basic components, they look something like this: Bikers arrive from all over the country and other parts of the world, take over the main venues of several local cities/towns, make lots of noise, consume tons of food and drink, go for rides around the local area, consume more and make more noise, spend tons of money, and go home happy, already talking about next year. Daytona has a little more racing (to this crowd) and Sturgis has a lot more riding. Both are considered must-do motorcycle events.

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That's a Wrap! - Sturgis 2013

The 73rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has come to a close, and after a week of bikes, babes, booze, fire and rock, initial reports predict both attendance and revenue were up over last year’s event.

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