Poll: How Brand Loyal Are You?

It’s part of human nature to stick with what we know and that is certainly the case for a lot of motorcycle enthusiasts. That being said, it isn’t uncommon for riders to jump from one brand to another, always in search of that new great “new bike” feeling. What about you? Would you consider yourself to be brand loyal,  or more of a whatever best meets your needs at the time is what you ride sort of person?

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Whatever: What's in a Name?

One interesting phenomenon I’ve noticed over the years is the seeming inability of the non-motorcycling public to read. Inevitably, when whatever motorcycle I’m riding draws a layperson’s attention, they’ll ask, ‘What kind of motorcycle IS that?’ And it doesn’t matter how large VICTORY or HONDA is written on the gas tank. The sole exception is Harley-Davidson. Then the comment is always ‘Nice Harley.’ And if some casual observer says ‘nice Harley’ when you’re on a Japanese cruiser trying to hide its identity, you know the Japanese have won another skirmish but are destined to eventually lose the cruiser war.

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