Destinations: The Rock Store

Blessed with beautiful weather year round, weekend mornings at the Rock Store of southern California can rival the best bike shows around the globe. Eclectic characters come out of the woodwork every weekend to enjoy riding through some of the tightest, twistiest, off-camber, up- and downhill roads motorcyclists dream of. Their owners are pretty interesting, too. It’s not uncommon to see Jay Leno on one of his bizarre and rare machines or other celebrity motorcyclists such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matt LeBlanc or Laurence Fishburne.

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Riding The Edge Of Ontario

These days, every tourism board and region under the sun seems to have a route designed for motorcycle riders. That’s a good thing – but do all of them really go the extra mile for the rider? Or are they just taking a shortcut to get motorcyclists to plop down their hard-earned cash at motels, restaurants and gas stations?

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Top 10 Places To Ride In North America

Most of these I’ve traversed, but I attempted to avoid personal bias by including a few I’d like to add to my personal list of best roads ridden. So much exists out there to ride a top 10 list doesn’t do justice, nay, not even a top 100 list would begin to scratch the amount of asphalt deemed epic by motorcycle standards. These are but 10 of the best known stretches; the roads that every motorcyclist should at least ride a few of in his or her lifetime.

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Touring South Africa By Motorcycle

Neale Bayly is one of the most laudable motorcyclists we know. He’s not only a talented rider, an accomplished journalist and a TV personality, he’s also an admirable philanthropist who donates much of his time and efforts into helping needy and disadvantaged people. His philanthropic endeavors began in South America and were highlighted in Neale Bayly Rides: Peru in 2013.

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